Guide to Blessings and Prayers Offered During the Year
Sts. Peter & Paul Orthodox Church
Crossingville, Pennsylvania
September 1, First Day of Liturgical Year – Supplication for the New Year
September 14, Exaltation of the Cross – Procession and Cross Veneration
November 21, The Entrance of the Theotokos - Blessing of Handmaidens
January 1, The Circumcision of the Lord & Feast of St. Basil – Doxology for the New Civil Year & Blessing of Vasilopita
January 6, Theophany – Great Blessing of Waters & Outdoor Blessing
January 6 until Beginning of Triodion Period (Great Lent) – Blessings of Homes & Offices
February 2, The Meeting of the Lord in the Temple – Blessing of Candles
Forgiveness Sunday (date varies) – Service of Mutual Forgiveness
Sunday of Orthodoxy (date varies) – Blessing of Icons & Procession
Sunday of the Cross (3rd Sunday of Lent, date varies) – Procession & Cross Veneration
Lazarus Saturday (date varies) – Ideal day for adult baptism/chrismation
Palm Sunday (date varies) – Blessing of Palm Branches & Palm Procession
Holy Wednesday (date varies) – Anointing of Holy Oil
Pascha (date varies) – Blessing of eggs & baskets
Joy Day (Radonitsa, date varies) – 1st Day for Memorials following Pascha & Grave Blessings
Pentecost (date varies) – Kneeling Prayers of Pentecost
Early-June (date varies) - Blessing of Graduates
June 29, Patronal Feast of Sts. Peter & Paul – Open House w/ pet blessings in July
July 20, Feast of Prophet Elias (or nearest Sunday) – Blessing of Vehicles
August 1, Procession of the Cross – Procession & Cross Veneration
August 6, The Transfiguration – Blessing of Grapes & other fruit
August 15, The Dormition – Blessing of Seeds, Herbs, & Flowers
Mid-August, The Sunday prior to the start of school – Blessing of Students & Teachers
Other Dates, Times, and Special Prayers to Keep in Mind
Anointing, Communion for the Sick, Travel Blessings, etc. – In the event of an injury, sickness, scheduled operation, being house-bound, or preparing for a journey, please inform Fr. Daniel so that he can provide the appropriate ministry. If you let Fr. Daniel known ahead of time, anointing or blessings can usually be done on Sunday following Liturgy.
Childbirth – When a baby is born, prayers are usually done at the following times: On the day of Birth; on the 8th day (Naming Prayers); On the 40th day (Churching). The baptism can be done any time from 40th day on. In the event of an emergency situation, please inform Fr. Daniel immediately.
Confession – Confession is available generally following Great Vespers each Saturday evening, and at other times by appointment.
Death/Memorial – If a loved one’s death seems to be at hand, please inform Fr. Daniel immediately so that he can minister to the dying person. Funeral arrangements should be made as early as possible. Appropriate days for memorials include the 3rd day, the 9th day, the 40th day, and the anniversary each year. Memorials are done throughout the year, except during Holy Week and Bright Week. Kollyva should be offered for memorial services, which can be scheduled with Fr. Daniel.
Weddings – Wedding plans should be discussed with Fr. Daniel at least 6 months prior to the proposed date, and before any outside arrangements are made. Keep in mind the following general guidelines: marriages may not be performed during the 4 extended fasting seasons; other days when weddings are not performed include Wednesdays and Fridays throughout the year, Great Feast Days, and the festal periods immediately following Pascha and the Nativity of Christ.